Thursday, 22 August 2013

A measly update

It has been too long a period since my last blog and that is deplorable. An update of sorts is called for within the confines of my little world.
I've finally got some skin in the game, so to speak, in the investing game. I took the plunge at the end of July, converting my E.S.P.P. shares into dollars and switching them to a commercial stock brokerage, Firstrade

My choice of Firstrade was based on their low commission cost, acceptance of my foreign residency and no maintenance fees. That combination was surprisingly difficult to find and downright impossible in Ireland, which suffers from outrageous fee structures due to the small market for stocks and securities and general public ignorance to the markets. 

Other highlights has been a fantastic summer in Ireland, trips to foreign locations for long weekends and a general good time!

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