Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Making a few bob

One of the goals of this blog is to experiment with making some money on the internet, to see if it can be done and more importantly if it can be done without excruciating time commitment. I have a job, girlfriend and a social life and I'd like to keep those, thank you very much!

To that end I've created a Google Ad Sense account, to channel the massive earnings that are soon to come. I also created an Amazon associate account that could generate revenue. I strongly suspect that the earnings may not in fact be massive and may slide more towards the meager or nothing at all. Regardless of the outcome, this should be an interesting experiment.

My scheme is as follows:

  • Produce interesting content. Without this there is little point in trying to make money from a blog. It seems simple but without something interesting to read, why would you bother to visit a blog, let alone click on an ad on that blog?
  • To that end there will be content placed on the blog and on 
  • Use Google Ad Sense to gain revenue from ads served on this very blog, on my infobarrel hub and through Amazon Associates program. 
  • Use this blog and my Infobarrel hub page to generate interest in each other and cross traffic.

Seems simple?
No, definitely not. Producing unique content that is relevant to an audience is going to be a challenge.
This is going to be tough, make no mistake about it, but I like a challenge! 

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